reneeairforce Фото #82


1 Лайк

Renee, Can you please talk to me.

She has more important things to do than talk with some dumb fuckin random on a page she doesnt know exists

🖕for information dick head she does know about this page. I've been friends with her for over 3 years and she knows about all if the pages that have her photos on them.

How much cash has her scammer syphoned out of you the past three years

She hasn't scammed any money out of me in the past 3 years.

Renee is a very nice and beautiful young lady. I know that she does onlyfans but that isnta problem. I just want to talk to her again.

You a straight up simp You definitely don't know her She ain't gonna sleep with you and you've definitely shelled out more money for this bitch than she most likely deserves

This clown over her defend some OF hoe Look at this dumbass white knight go

Crazy how these dunces think they never get scammed, especially the ones paying the most, they have this mentality that if they're giving it to someone they feel cares about them it's not really being scammed when in actually 95+% of models have guys running their shit and they couldn't give a fuck

That about sums it up for this guy and ever other 3rd worlder that thinks they're talking to these trix as well as believing they'll actually reply back